Susan Pattis

How To Stop Sadness? (Part III)

Sadness is an emotional and physical manifestation of how we perceive, process, and react to events, situations, and other stimuli. Long-lasting sadness can increase blood pressure and breathing rate and cause sweaty palms, a lump in the throat, a tired body, and a depressed mind. Untreated sadness can lead to the anxiety of worrying over things that may not happen at all. Sadness is the vague feelings under the surface of consciousness. Never underestimate sad feelings because ignored sadness can become chronic mental stress and depression.

It is critical to stop sadness at the first stage by getting out the sad feelings immediately with personal efforts and external intervention. People with sadness could have low motivation, an anti-social mentality, distrust about everything and everyone, disrupted sleep, uncontrolled anger, terrible temper, insecurity, inner fear, burning desire to win, unrealistic fantasies, the constant judgment of others, and intense sensitivity.

Mindfulness meditation is a great tool to relax the mind and soul without attaching to negative thoughts or irritating emotions. Modern people pay more attention to physical health but ignore mental health. The biggest challenge of the human future is coping with mental wellness. The total balance between body, mind, and soul is the core factor for happiness. Mindfulness meditation makes you aware that everything happens for the right reasons without sinking into the victimized sadness traps. Searching inside mindfully through meditation is vital to feel grateful for your present life and surroundings.

Daily routine exercise helps the body relax and have the mind activated. Sad people need a mental makeover to help the brain become resilient and flexible in facing emotional problems or conditional change. The brain can transform calmly and peacefully when the body moves freely through regular exercise. Setting achievable goals, not larger ones, is a good starting point to reduce sadness. Many people daydream big but cannot reach. Unreachable goals are the torturous weapons you aim at yourselves. Most people quit their motivations and do nothing because they fail to achieve those unrealistic ambitions. It is important to set concrete step-by-step goals for different stages of life. For example, if you cannot do ten perfect push-ups, try a few on your knees; not a big deal. Eventually, you can do real push-ups after constant practice. If you cannot exercise thirty minutes daily, start at ten minutes a day, then increase gradually.

The loss of a loved family member or friend, a career, a hope, or an honor could trigger sad emotions. It is impossible to prevent sadness or mental pain as a human being because we all have to experience some kinds of losses beyond our capabilities to control throughout our life span, just like we cannot prevent who our parents are or which county we were born. We cannot change what happened in the past, but we can cherish the current wonders. Building a favorable and trustworthy relationship with friends and family provides a beautiful source of support to neutralize the upset of stressful situations.

One hour of natural sunlight daily is a cheap but powerful healing tool. It is not indoor through window kinds of sunlight, the one of being outside under the sun directly, with suncream if possible. Sunlight helps improve your immune system during the day and stimulates the melatonin release at night for good sleep. For people with sadness or stress, please spend more time outdoors, especially in nature, with more trees, plants, flowers, and other green and wild spaces to improve your physical and mental health. If you have enough time, please take off your shoes and socks and walk on the natural ground for at least ten minutes daily. Outdoor meditation in nature is beneficial to stop the sadness.

To Be Continued.