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Happiness Recipe: Silence For 20 Minutes A Day

Updated: Mar 8, 2021

Over the past 20 years, I have developed a habit of staying silent for at least 20 minutes every day to be thankful for everything in my life. I never missed one day without silence in gratitude regardless if I was on the road traveling for my consulting business or at home resting. Silence is more than just a private time to yourself; it is the most beautiful gift from you to yourself.

I know that you might not be satisfied with your family members, your friends, your bosses or peers, or with yourself. I know your dream has not been realized yet, no matter how hard you have tried. Yes, now, with Covid-19 and shutdowns, your life is full of challenges without seeing the lights. I can share one secret remedy to make things better, taking silence for 20 minutes a day and exercising gratitude.

In the 21st century, a fast-growing world, I realized that most adults are not happy with their current lives. They couldn’t stop getting angry with themselves and denouncing the society or community for their internal suffering and external insufficiency. Can 20 minutes of silence with gratitude bring a smile to your face? Absolutely!

Gratitude takes away the sad feelings and negative thoughts in your heart and squeezes in more room to feel grateful for what you have already achieved and how many people appreciate your contribution to this world. Silence is the enhancer to find your happiness through gratitude. Silence is also the sacred moments allowing a dialogue between your mind and your soul internally and freely. It is a process of programming your mind to stay positive all the time until it becomes a habit of silence with gratitude at least once every day for at least 20 minutes. You will see the difference in a few months if you practice this exercise everyday.

Silence (total trance) with gratitude would bring the following benefits to your life:

1. You will feel less stressed due to calmness and relaxation.

2. You will sleep better than before due to fewer worries.

3. You will have more hope to the future due to increased confidence.

4. Your life will be more optimistic and joyful.

5. You will be more forgiving and compassionate.

6. You will stop judging yourself and others.

7. You will be more social and less isolating.

8. You will be more connected to the truth of the universe.

9. You will enjoy inner peace and listen to your inner voices.

10. You will cherish your friends and family more.

11. You will appreciate silence even more.

Please stop what you are doing now, take 20 minutes of silence, reflect on good memories of your life, accept those sad moments you experienced, and breathe in the fresh air with gratitude.

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