Sadness is a natural emotion happening to human beings all the time. Sadness cannot be stopped by itself. It is better to give sadness a private space by focusing on other enjoyable things. Thinking of good things can take your mind away from sad feelings. Staying in sadness will lead to another painful emotion more potent than the previous one. Yes, we cannot stop to feel sad, but we can stop feeling sad continuously. We cannot depend on others to help us stop sadness because we are responsible for our happiness. Please remember that you should never give away control of your emotions to anyone else.
Sadness is like using your intelligence to defeat you by using memory or imagination to create images, content, or situations you hate the most. Most people choose joy when asked to choose between joyful or sad emotions. Would you still feel sad if you could naturally create thoughts, feelings, and images you enjoy and like with unlimited imagination and unbelievable memory? The answer is No. When you feel sad, your memory and imagination are going disarranged. Sadness means you have lost control over the two powerful treasures of humans - memory and imagination. The best healing for sadness is learning to use memory and imagination positively for you, not against you. Your free will determines what you would choose between happiness and sadness.
Throughout our life course experiences, we have learned knowledge and skills. Still, we have yet to know about our intelligent choices regarding using memory and imagination wisely to live a happy life without sinking into self-made sadness holes. Wise people know when to stop the false intelligence their memory and imagination created. Most happy people know how to use their well-organized intelligence to face whatever situation, even the most difficult challenges, by choosing their memory and imagination differently with joy, not sadness.
It is hard to detect when we unconsciously use our intelligence against ourselves by creating negative thoughts and emotions to make us feel bitter and sad. We often continuously judge and interpret other situations or people by our judgmental standards, imaginary perceptions, and unbalanced intelligence. For example, unhappy people would like to repeatedly replay a traumatic experience in their mind, even ten to fifteen years after that incident, by imagining thoughts and feelings they do not like and trying to figure out the rationale behind them.
Sad people always find ways to recall painful memories as they rewatch their favorite movies repeatedly. Letting sadness stay within you is like allowing the non-stop nearby wildfire to torture you mentally and physically in every way possible. If you hold a sad feeling in your heart for over eight hours, you allow your intelligence against you by finding hundreds of reasons or justifications to bully your mind, heart, and soul without mercy. The most important lesson for a human being is to learn how to use self-intelligence wisely and mindfully to live a happy life.
Suppose you are often disappointed in everyone, everything, anytime, yourself and others; you can rescue yourself by focusing on positive memories and happy imaginations without overthinking things or situations negatively. Over 90% of the sad feelings are from false intelligence within, not from external factors. External conditions might trigger critical judgment that leads to sadness. If you want to change your perception of life for a happy future, it is time to transform yourself now through an inner shift from judgment to compassion.
To Be Continued.