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Please Be Kind To Yourself

Please be kind to yourself,

You are much better than you thought.

When you feel stressed in your heart,

You waste this valuable time of life.

Please be kind to yourself,

Be brave to share your complicated feelings.

Don’t forget what you value deeply,

Ground yourself with gratitude.

Please be kind to yourself,

Do things you like the most.

Say YES to yourself in a mirror,

Hug yourself regularly.

Please be kind to yourself,

It is mandatory to live a human life.

You cannot show compassion to others,

If you are too hard on yourself.

Please be kind to yourself,

Let GO of the perfection mentality.

Everyone makes mistakes,

Imperfection is common in humanity.

Please be kind to yourself,

Judge less and praise more.

Everyone faces ups and downs,

That is the way to learn and awaken.

Please be kind to yourself,

You have the power to care and love.

Become the master of your life journey,

Accept genuinely who you are.

Please be kind to yourself,

You can heal the wounds in your heart.

There are no real failures,

Only the reminders to try different paths.

Please be kind to yourself,

If you cannot control the outcomes.

No matter what happens,

You have the power to start again.

Please be kind to yourself,

Encourage yourself as you do others.

Don’t feel guilty for not achieving enough,

It is OK to slow down sometimes.

Please be kind to yourself,

Practice silence for the inner voice.

Take away the anxious feelings,

Learn to be, not to do, once in a while.

Please be kind to yourself,

Shine in your unique style.

Smile at least once a day,

Bring love and light to yourself.

Please be kind to yourself,

Keep the door open for friends.

Don’t beat yourself up too often,

After all, indeed, you are never alone.

Please be kind to yourself,

You are the actor in a life movie you direct.

Follow each episode carefully,

Reach your full potential gradually.

Please be kind to yourself,

Find internal harmony and peace.

Self-compassion is a precious present,

It brings you true happiness.

Please be kind to yourself,

Create art pieces with your own life.

It is time to live mindfully,

Be aware of your unmatched strengths.

Please be kind to yourself,

Never let yourself fall apart.

Pull all the life threads together,

You will know the power of the love heart.

Please be kind to yourself,

There is no need to live in the dark.

There is light in everything,

There are more solutions than challenges.

Please be kind to yourself,

Let go of the thoughts of perfection.

Stop worrying about tomorrow,

Cherish the moment to let joy expel.

Please be kind to yourself,

Treat yourself with honor and respect.

Search inside yourself regularly,

Explore the world on your terms.

Please be kind to yourself,

Forgive all with a big heart.

Never live a day with resentment,

Enjoy your life with unconditional love.

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